Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I have a big role to play in World Cup: Bhajji

The talk of slow tracks in the Caribbean would make Harbhajan Singh an ace in the bowling pack. But the off-spinner, who played a fine role in India’s run up to the final in in 2003 edition of the World Cup, prefers to keep his fingers crossed. "We don’t know how the wickets would be. We’ll have to wait and see," he says. Riding on the confidence of having done well on the big stage, this bowler from Jalandhar spoke to TOI about his role and expectations.
Q: Going into the World Cup you are looking much fitter. Are you doing something extra?
A: Not really, I’ve been the same. But yes, we have been training hard as a team and it’s important to be fit for the big event. In a way I have always been fit but the World Cup is a special event and I am working hard and looking forward to it.
Q: You had a good World Cup debut in 2003. Does the experience provide you with an edge?
A: I’m very happy to be there a second time and hopefully a third time as well in 2011, but that’s still very far. Obviously, being there gives you a sense of assurance. A sort of confidence that you have within, in your mind that you have done well in the past and that you can do well in the big games. It helps, but you still need to keep working on your game, keep trying different things and keep visualising yourself in different sort of roles. If you do that, then you should be able to put up some good performances.
Q: Do you think spin will be the weapon to win in West Indies?
A: We don’t know what sort of tracks we get to play as yet. We have to wait and see. But whether spinning, flat or seaming we will still need to play good cricket to win. As far as I am concerned, I will try to adapt and put in my best whether the pitches spin or not. We’ll get the picture once we get there. I have a big role to play in the World Cup and hopefully if I stick to my basics and be patient the good results will come. I’m looking forward to being there.
Q: You seem to be bowling in a good rhythm?
A: It’s not always that when you get wickets you are in good rhythm. The aim is to contribute best for the team. There are times when I’m more worried whether my action is flowing enough or whether my arm is heading in the right direction and if I’m hitting the right length. Sometimes you bowl well yet you don’t get wickets and sometimes you don’t bowl well but still you get five wickets! So, I concentrate on my positives and try to stay focused. It’s all about keeping the thought process simple. I’m very confident that I’m bowling well and the wickets will come. I don’t read much into what people are talking about me. I know what I have to contribute to win matches for the team.
Q: Have you ever thought of yourself as a spinning all-rounder?
A: I know it is important for all of us, who bat down the order after No 7, to try and do really well from the team. I have really worked on my batting, but unfortunately I couldn’t help the side win against Sri Lanka at Rajkot recently and I was very disappointed. I have been trying hard and whenever the situation comes I should be able to deliver. If we guys bat well down the order it’s an extra bonus. It can help the side with those crucial runs.
Q: Do you agree that this team is India’s best ever One-day side?
A: All I can say is that this is a very good team and if we play to our potential we will surely come up with a very good show. The key for us is to stay positive.
Q: There is another sardar grabbing attention. What is your take on him?
A: Well, Monty Panesar has been bowling really well and I wish him all the very best. The more he will play, the more he will learn. It’s great to see one more sardarji doing well and I hope to see him during the World Cup.

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